
It’s a new year, so we talk about old games, like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy XII. We go into a discussion about loot crates and how they’re all Blizzard’s fault then move on to VR. And at some point I start laughing at William’s grim idea for a dating sim.

It’s our last episode of 2017, so we talk about some of the games we’ve played for a bit, like Golf Story and Dream Daddy. I start to talk about Shadow of War before we get sidetracked about comic book movies. Then we wrap up with our game of the year discussions.

We talk a lot about Kingdom Hearts, what a weird game Zelda 2 is, The Death of AIM, Garfield, The Godfather I & II, how Game “Journalism” is full of people who apparently don’t like video games, and Kingdom Hearts. This episode could also have been called “It Smells like the Sapranos in here.”

We talk maybe too long about what to name a phone app that can help you avoid defecation. I talk about murder possibilities in Dishonored 2. Fallout 4 VR. Game of Thrones, but not the current season, and how Netflix is making mostly garbage shows now.

We made it. It took a while to put this one together, but we’ve got our 50th episode. As a special treat, this one is an audio commentary for the movie Tsunambee, an animal + disaster portmanteau movie that William prophesied about back in 2014. So, if you’re listening to this by itself, you’ll be pretty confused. If you listen to this while watching the movie, you’ll be very confused. This movie is just a mess. You can find the movie on Amazon streaming for $4. Thanks for listening!

Hey, this one’s pretty serious and we talk about games and serious business like Wonder Woman and how it’s not garbage, but not great. E3 happened, so we talk about the new game that was shown, The Last Night. Also, I only realized this while posting, this is now a three year old podcast…

PodcastIcon We cover a lot of ground about how to name murder-bots with acronyms, what our custom Sonic characters would be, I finally make sense of the Sonic lore, and what we want out of a Jurrasic Park: The Musical.